
Reference 1

Two Types of Logic Blocks

Combinational Logic

Blocks without memory are called combinational; the output of a combinational block depends only on the current input.

Can be defined by truth table, boolean algebra.

Decoders: n-bit input -> 2^n outputs

Multiplexors: a selector: output is one of the inputs that is selected by a control.

Sequential Logic

Sequential logic is logic including state. In blocks with memory, the outputs can depends on both the inputs and the value stored in memory, which is called the state of the logic block.

Two level representation

Any logic can be implemented with only AND, OR, and NOT functions.

Any logic function can be written in a canonical form, where every input is either a true or complemented variable and there are only two levels of gates – one being AND and the other OR – with a possible inversion on the final output. ==> such a representation is called a two level representation.

Two forms:

Sum-of-products: a logical sum (OR) of products (AND)

Products-of-sums: the opposite.

Register Transfer Level


“The register transfer level of modeling circuits in VHDL for use with register transfer level synthesis. Register transfer level is a level of description of a digital design in which the clocked behavior of the design is expressly described in terms of data transfers between storage elements in sequential logic, which may be implied, and combinatorial logic, which may represent any computing or arithmetic-logic-unit logic. RTL modeling allows design hierarchy that represents a structural description of other RTL models.”

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  1. “Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware/Software Interface”. By David A. Patterson, and John L. Hennessy. 5th ed. 2014.
Created Oct 27, 2019 // Last Updated Feb 14, 2023

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