
  • Processor Hardware Security Vulnerabilities and their Detection by Unique Program Execution Checking. By Mohammad Rahmani Fadiheh, et. al. 2018 arXiv, 2019 DATE

UPEC: Unique Program Execution Checking.

Orc Attack

  • Leverage the RAW(Read after write) hazard: load latency is longer when RAW happens.
  • Assumptions: (simplified for easy understanding)
    • each cache line is selected based on lower 8 bits;
    • a total of $2^8=256$ cache lines.
  • Attack:
    • guess a possible address #test_value;
    • write a value at the #test_value
    • load a secret to a register lw x4, 0(x1), where x1 is #protected_addr; ==> this will throw an exception, x4 will not have the secret value (not architectual visible).
    • perform a load with secret as address: lw x5, 0(x4); ==> this will not be architecturally visible (x5 not updated), but the instruction already in the pipeline and will issue a cache transaction.
    • If #test_value and 0(x4) in the same cache line, then a RAW hazard will happen, and
      • the instruction sequence will have higher latency due to the RAW hazard. ==> this timing latecy will be used to detect whether the possible hazard exists.
      • their lower 8 bits are the same. ==> the secret will be leaked by 8 bits.

fig2 example of Orc attack


Unique Program Execution Checking.

Security Property Definition

Two sets of state variables
  • State variables associated with the content of its memory;
  • State variables associated with all other parts of the hardware, the logic parts.
    • Microarchitectural State Variable: belonging to the logic part of the computing system’s microarchitecture.
      • Registers, buffers, flip-flops.
    • Architectural State Variable: subset of microarchitectural state variables that define the state of program execution at the ISA level (excluding the program state that is represented in the program’s memory).
Secret Data
  • Secret Data $D$, at Protected Location $A$.
Unique Program Execution
  • Unique Program Execution. A program executes uniquely w.r.t. a secret $D$ if and only if the sequence of valuations to the set of architectural state variables is independent of the values of $D$, in every clock cycle of program execution.
    • In other words, unique program execution means that different values of $D$ does not lead to different values of the program’s architectural state variables, nor lead to different time points when these values are assigned.
  • Confidentiality/Observalibity. A set of secret data $D$ in a protected location $A$ is confidential if and only if any user-level program executes uniquely w.r.t. $D$. Otherwise, $D$ is observable.

Property Checking

The requirement of unique program execution is formalized as a “property” expressed in a property language which is understood by a (commercially available) tool for property checking.

Challenge: current tools for property checking are build for functional design verification. In order to make property checking applicable to UPEC, we present a tailor-made computational model and formulate a specific property to be proven on this model.

UPEC Model


  • Automatically derived model: This model (in Figure 3) can be derived automatically from the RTL description of the design and only requires the user to provide the protected region.

  • Two identical instrances: $SoC_1$ and $SoC_2$ are two identical instances of the logic part of the SoC under verification.

  • Two almost same set of memory: $Memory_1$ and $Memory_2$ hold the same set of values except for the memory location of a defined secret data.

UPEC Property

For a system to be secure w.r.t. convert channel attacks, the computational model derived from the design’s RTL description has to fulfill the following property expressed in the CTL property language [c36]:

  • No Covert Channel Property: $\boldsymbol{AG}$(secret_data_protected $\wedge$ micro_soc_state_1 = micro_soc_state_2 $\rightarrow \boldsymbol{AG}$ soc_state_1 = soc_state_2)

    • where $\boldsymbol{AG}$: the following condition must be fulfilled at all times and for all possible runs of the system (“A for All paths, G for Globally”). Note: CTL symbols

    • where micro_soc_state is a a vector of all microarchitecture state variables.

    • where soc_state is some vector of state variables which includes, as a subset, all architectural state variables.

    • where secret_data_protected is a constraint specifing that a protection mechanism in the hardware is enabled for the secret data memory location.

The property fails, if and only if, there exists a state, soc_state, such that the transition to the next state, soc_state’, depends on the secret data.

UPEC outputs

Counterexamples of unique program execution.

  • $L-alert$, Leakage alert.

  • $P-alert$, Propagation alert.


(2019 DATE) Rocket/OneSpin 360 DV-Verify

Rocketchip, a single-core SoC with in-order pipelined processors and separate data and instruction level-1 cache.

OneSpin 360 DV-Verify, a commercial property checker.

  • Original Rocketchip
  • Variant a, with Meltdown;
    • Modified the design: a cache line refill is not canceled in case of an invalid access.
    • Attack: the illegal access itself is not successful but raises an exception, the cache content is modified and can be analysed by an attacker.
    • Highlight: this covert channel is based on an in-order pipeline, instead of an out-of-order as previous reports.
  • Variant b, with Orc attack.
    • Conditionally bypass one buffer.


  • UPEC captured all vulnerabilities.
  • found an ISA incompliance in the Physical Memory Protection (PMP) unit of the original design.


Created Feb 8, 2023 // Last Updated Feb 27, 2023

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