
形式化方法是一种用把复杂系统描述为数学模型的方法。 通过把复杂的系统定义为逻辑严密的数学模型, 可以利用数学的方法验证系统的一些属性, 这类方法往往比基于经验的测试更全面彻底。






  1. 形式化定义(formal specification):在定义阶段,工程师使用一个模型语言(modeling languages)描述一个系统。这个过程类似于一个把word文档描述的问题转换为一个用数学代数语言描述的问题。
  2. 验证:
  3. 实现:一旦一个模型通过了定义和验证阶段,下一步就是把模型的定义转换成代码。



The growth in complexity of designs increases the importance of formal verification techniques in the hardware industry.[6][7] At present, formal verification is used by most or all leading hardware companies,[8] but its use in the software industry is still languishing.[citation needed] This could be attributed to the greater need in the hardware industry, where errors have greater commercial significance.[citation needed] Because of the potential subtle interactions between components, it is increasingly difficult to exercise a realistic set of possibilities by simulation. Important aspects of hardware design are amenable to automated proof methods, making formal verification easier to introduce and more productive.[9]

  • Basic Concepts
  • References: Terms Orderings Model Checking Temporal Logic In order to ensure correct behavior of a reactive program, in which computations are non-terminating (e.g. an operating system), it is necessary to formally specify and verify the acceptable infinite executions of that program. In addition, to ensure correctness of a concurrent program, where two or more processors are working in parallel, it is necessary to formally specify and verify their interaction and synchronization.

  • Constructive Logic
  • Reference 1 CMU Undergraduate Class ↩

  • Abstract Algebra
  • Reference 1 The Group Groups Reference 1 reference ↩ reference ↩

  • Galois
  • Reference 1 -- > Listen Galois pronunciation from 4:30 Galois Connection ↩

  • Abs Int
  • PPA version Reference 1 The theory of Abstract Interpretation is a general methodology for calculating analyses rather than just specifying them and then rely on a posteriori validation. Collecting Semantics records the set of traces $tr$ that can reach a given program point: $tr \in Trace = (Var \times Lab)^*$ e.g: $((x, ?), (y, ?), (z, ?), (y, 1), (z, 2), (z, 4), (y, 5), (z, 4), (y, 5), (y, 6))$

  • Papers
  • Reference 1 CSpec Reference 1 201901 note. Verifying concurrent software using movers in CSPEC. OSDI, 2018. ↩ 2019 Arm Os Reference 1 Scalable Translation Validation of Unverified Legacy OS Code. FMCAD, 2019. ↩ Intscope Reference 1 Decompiler: Bestar, IDA Pro as front-end. translates x86 assembl into PANDA IR (freshly designed). Symbolic execution engine: leverage framework of GiNac[^c8]. Path Validator and Integer Overflow Checker: STP, a decision procedure for bit-vectors and arrays.

  • Temporal Logic
  • Reference 1 CTL References: Lecture 7, Computation Tree Logics Path Quantifier $A$: for every path. $E$: there exists a path. Linear-time operators $\boldsymbol{X}_p$: $p$ holds next time. $\boldsymbol{F}_p$: $p$ holds sometime in the future. $\boldsymbol{G}_p$: $p$ holds globally in the future. $p\boldsymbol{U}q$: $p$ holds until $q$ holds. Path Formulas and State Formulas More reference ↩

  • Model Checking
  • References: Model Checking @CMU Model Checking Code @CMU Specification and Verification Center @CMU wiki: Model Checking, contains a list of model checking tools. Model Checking简述

  • Hott
  • Reference1 “Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics”. ↩

  • Separation Logic
  • References: Separation Logic, Peter O’Hearn Separation logic, first developed by O’Hearn and Reynolds, is an extension of Hoare’s logic which addresses reasoning about program that access and mutate data structures. It includes a “frame rule” which enables more compact proofs and specs of imperative programs than before because of its support for local reasoning, where specification and proofs concentrate on the portion of memory used by a program component, and not the entire global state of the system.

Created Jul 30, 2019 // Last Updated Dec 6, 2022

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the fundmental principles of
computer system design
to improve security...

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