
CHERI Background Material

cite: CHERI Background @RISC-V SIG CHERI

CHERI Talks/Videos

Industry Announcements about CHERI

Background Research

  • See the Cambridge CHERI project Web site
  • An introduction to CHERI Report
  • CHERI ISA reference Report

More informative introductions:


  • Code pointers in Cheri is protected from being corrupted. Can it prevent the code reuse attack also? If not, how to enhance it?

    • Code reuse that depends on the corruption of return address might be prevented if ret addr is ‘well protected’.
    • Code reuse that depends on the corruption of return address might be prevented if no memory error can be used to overwrite the return address.

      • How to prove there is no memory error in CHERI?
    • Code reuse by data corruption (data oriented programming) might be prevented if data is well protected.

      • How to prove there is no memory error in CHERI?

The heavy and deep motivations of CHERI: Motivations


CHERI ISA Refinement History
CHERI ISA Refinement History
  • 2016 v5: Initial in-kernel privilege limitation
  • 2017 v6: Exception free domain transition
  • 2019 v7: Temporal memory safety

  • Initial CHERI architecture in 2012-resolve1, 2014-ISCA2;

  • Compartmentalization framework in 2016-MICRO3, 2015-SP4;

  • C language compilation mode where all pointers are capabilities in 2015-ASPLOS 5;

  • Use of capabilities to implement a safe JNI, 2017-ASPLOS6.

  • A complete userspace execution environment with CheriABI: 2019-ASPLOS7;


Address validity vs pointer safety

  • Address validity associates protection properties with regions of address space, (such as a virtual page), regardless what is stored in the region.

  • Pointer safety associates protection properties with object references, a higher abstraction over the raw memory regions.


Capability systems are hardware, software, or distributed systems designed to implement the principle of least privilege[^11, ^12].

Capabilities are unforgeable tokens of authority granting rights to objects in the system. They can be selectively delegated between constrained programs to enforce security policies.


Software compartmentalization, as known as privilege separation, mitigates vulnerabilities by decomposing applications into isolated components – each granted only the rights it requires to operate.

Compartmentalization granularity describes the degree of program decompositioin. Fine-grained compartmentalization improves mitigation by virtue of the principle of least privilege: attackers must exploit

MMU’s granularity and address validation

  • process-granularity fault isolation, but

    • “When OS kernels act on userspace, e.g., via pointers passed in to system calls, they must act on correct set of physical pages correpsonding to the process.”
  • conflated protection and translation: the granularity of both is one virtual page. But

    • do not scale easily to handle finer-grain protection, and
    • do not distinguish virtual addresses from arbitrary integers: while the MMU protects the structure of the virtual memory space, the references to virtual memory are unprotected.



CHERI Capabilities

  • Tags protect capabilities in registers and memory
  • Bounds limit range of address space accessible via pointer
  • Permissions limit operations, e.g., load, store, fetch
  • Sealing for encapsulation: immutable, non-dereferenceable. The seal bit tag is removed from ISAv7. Instead, unsealed capability is redefined as having otype of $2^64 -1$.
  • Compressed bounds relative to 64-bit virutal address.

Protection Semantics for Pointers

  • Integrity and provenance validity
    • ensure that valid pointers are derived from other valid pointers via valid transformations;
    • invalid pointers cannot be used
  • Bounds prevent pointers form being manipulated to access the wrong object;
  • Permissions limit unintended use of pointers; e.g., W^X for pointers;
  • Monotonicity prevents pointer privilege escalation; e.g., broadening bounds.

However, bounds and permissions must be initialized correctly by software – e.g. stack allocator, heap allocator, dynamic linker

Two levels of abstraction

(v5:) Cheri allows software privilege to be minimized at two levels of abstraction.

  • architectural least privilege: memory capability.

    • data pointers: against data-oriented vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows.
    • code pointers: support CFI by preventing corruption of code pointers/return addresses.
  • application-level least privilege: software compartmentalization using object capabilities.

Code pointers

  1. CHERI: A Research Platform Deconflating Hardware Virtualization and Protection. RESoLVE, 2012. ↩
  2. The CHERI capability model: Revisiting RISC in an age of risk. ISCA, 2014. ↩
  3. Fast Protection-Domain Crossing in the CHERI Capability-System Architecture. MICRO, 2016. ↩
  4. CHERI: A Hybrid Capability-System Architecture for Scalable Software Compartmentalization. SP, 2015. ↩
  5. Beyond the PDP-11: Processor support for a memory-safe C abstract machine. ASPLOS, 2015. ↩
  6. CHERI JNI: Sinking the Java Security Model into the C. ASPLOS, 2017. ↩
  7. CheriABI: Enforcing Valid Pointer Provenance and Minimizing Pointer Privilege in the POSIX C Run-time Environment. ASPLOS, 2019. ↩
Created Jun 27, 2019 // Last Updated Jan 29, 2023

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to improve security...

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