Class Logic

Intro Logic

2nd Ph.D. student. (Germany) 6 and 3 and another one on the way.

Text book:

  • Statement Logic
  • Predicate Logic

Logic is the study of methods for evaluating whether the premises of an argument adequately support its conclusion.

An argument is a set of propositions where some of the propositions are intended to support another one in the set.

A proposition a truth or falsehood that may or may not be expressed in a sentence.


  • There is a table in a room.

  • Em Tisch rst im Zimmer.

  • predicate logic: $\exists x, T x \wedge R x$

True/False def:

  • True: a proposition is true it represents things as they are

  • False: a proposition is true it represents things as they are not.

  • Examples:

    • Go sit down! –> no true/false
    • You are sitting down. –> can be evaluated to true/false.
    • Evolution happens. –>
    • Vague propositions: the room is hot.
    • Torthering paper for fun is wrong.

Premises: a proposition in an argument that is intended to support conclusion.

Conlusion: a proposition in a argument that is intended to be supported by the premises.

Deductive argument: arguments where the premises guarrentte that the coclusion is true.

Inductive argument: arguments where the premises make the conclusion probable.

  • P1: most choice in the room is occupied.
  • Conclusion: a chair in the room chosen at random will be occupied.


Sep 04, 2019.

Deductive arguments.


Valid argument: is valid when it is necessary that if the premises are true then the conclusion must be true.

Invalid argument: is invalid when it is not necessary that

(Valid and invalid is specificly used for arguments. Not for statements, etc..)

Modus ponens.

Valid arguments:

1. If A then B; ( if grass is purple, then the moon is made of cheese)
2. A. (grass is purple)
3. B.

Validity: don’t care whether the premises are true or not; only care if the premises are true, can we reach the conclusion from the premises.

Invalid arguments:

1. If A, then B (if we are in a classroom, then we are having class)
2. B. (we are having class)

A. (we are in classroom)


Sound argument: is a valid argument with true premises.

Unsound argument: is invalid argument or valid argument with false premises.

Logic: study of methods to evaluating arguments.

Argument form: A pattern of reasoning from premises to a conclusion.

Substitution instance: An argument that results from uniformly replacing variables of an argument form with propositions.

(Statement vs. Propersition. Same propersition can have different statements.)

Formally Valid: an argument is formally valid when it is valid … of its form.

I am a rhino.

Truth-functional operator: An operator that takes propositions as input and the output values depends only on the truth values of the input.

Operators: if-then; negation;

Conditional: An if-then proposition, it states that the ‘then-part’ is true if the ‘if-part’ is true.

If True then True; // true statement
If True then False; // false statement
If F then F; // true statement
If F then T; // true statement

if A then B: A is called antecedent; B is called consequent.

Negation: the negation of proposition states the denial of the negated proposition.

How to show an argument form is invalid?

By counter example, first substitute.

1. if A, then not B; (if you study, you won't fail)/(if we are having an afternoon shower, it is not early morning)
2. not A; (you don't study)/(we are not having an afternoon shower)
3. B. (you will fail)/(it is early morning)

next time: truth tables.

Pythagoras /pi’θægÓ™ræs/ theorem.

Created Aug 28, 2019 // Last Updated Oct 20, 2019

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