1967 Correctness of a Compiler for Arithmetic Expressions


  • What is the tool used to verify the correctness?

A proof of the correctness of a simple compiling algorithm for compiling arithmetic expressions into machine language.

  • The definition of correctness.
  • The formalism used to express the description of source language, object language, and compiler.
  • The methods of proof.

Ultimate goal, is to make it possible to use a computer to check proofs that compilers are correct.

Conceptions inherited from [c3]:

  • Abstract syntax.
  • State vector.
  • The use of an interpreter for defining the semantics of a programming language.
  • The definition of correctness of a compiler.

Example expression:

$(x+3) + (x+(y+2))$

Assembly example:

load x
sto t
li 3
add t
sto t
load x
sto t+1
load y
sto t+2
li 2
add t+2
add t+1
add t
# Abstract syntax will be used, so there is no commitment to a precise form for the object code.

Source language

Abstract analytic syntax of the source expressions:

predicate associated functions
issum(e) s1(e) s2(e)

==> Expressions comprise constants, variables and binary sums; Each sum $e$ has summands $s1(e)$ and $s2(e).


(2.1) value$(e,\xi)$ = if isconst(e) then val(e) else if isvar(e) then $c(e,\xi)$ else if issum(e) then value$(s1(e),\xi)$ + value$(s2(e),\xi)$.

==> val(e) gives the numerical value of an expression e representing a constant; $c(e,\xi)$ gives the value of the variable e in the state vector $\xi$ and $+$ is some binary operation.

For our present purposes we do not have to give a synthetic syntax for the source language expressions since both the interpreter and the compiler use only the analytic syntax. However, we shall need the following induction principle for expressions: Suppose $\Phi$ is a predicate applicable to expressions, and suppose that for all expressions $e$ we have:

isconst(e) $\supset \Phi$(e) and

isvar(e) $\supset \Phi$(e) and

issum(e) $\supset \Phi(s1(e)) \wedge \Phi(s2(e)) \supset \Phi(e)$.

==> Then we may conclude that $\Phi(e)$ is true for all expressions $e$.

Object language

We must give both the analytic and synthetic syntaxes for the object language because the interpreter defining its semantics uses the analytic syntax and the compiler uses the synthetic syntax.

Analytic and synthetic syntaxes for instructions:

operation predicate analytic operation synthetic operation
li $\alpha$ isli(s) arg(s) mkli($\alpha$)
load x isload(x) adr(s) mkload(x)
sto x issto (s) adr (s) mksto (x)
add x isadd(s) addr(s) mkadd(x)



Created Mar 26, 2021 // Last Updated Apr 29, 2021

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