

FreeBSD use je_malloc for malloc by default:

 * Name mangling for public symbols is controlled by --with-mangling and
 * --with-jemalloc-prefix.  With default settings the je_ prefix is stripped by
 * these macro definitions.
#  define je_aligned_alloc aligned_alloc
#  define je_calloc calloc
#  define je_dallocx dallocx
#  define je_free free
#  define je_mallctl mallctl
#  define je_mallctlbymib mallctlbymib
#  define je_mallctlnametomib mallctlnametomib
#  define je_malloc malloc
#  define je_malloc_conf malloc_conf
#  define je_malloc_message malloc_message
#  define je_malloc_stats_print malloc_stats_print
#  define je_malloc_usable_size malloc_usable_size
#  define je_mallocx mallocx
#  define je_smallocx_ea6b3e973b477b8061e0076bb257dbd7f3faa756 smallocx_ea6b3e973b477b8061e0076bb257dbd7f3faa756
#  define je_nallocx nallocx
#  define je_posix_memalign posix_memalign
#  define je_rallocx rallocx
#  define je_realloc realloc
#  define je_sallocx sallocx
#  define je_sdallocx sdallocx
#  define je_xallocx xallocx
#  define je_valloc valloc


Created Aug 18, 2020 // Last Updated Aug 24, 2020

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