

RTL Coding

Main module is ibex_top, defined in ibex_top.sv

Core logic is split-out from the register file and RAMs under ibex_top. This is to facilitate a dual-core lockstep implementation.

Register File

RegFile defined in rtl/ibex_pkg.sv

Three register file implementations, depending on different target technologies:

  • ibex_pkg::RegFileFF: flip-flop-based, default;
  • ibex_pkg::RegFileLatch: latch-based;
  • ibex_pkg::RegFileFPGA: for FPGA target;

Identification CSRs

Read-only CSRs, defined in rtl/ibex_pkg.sv, follows RISC-V Privileged Architecture.

  • mvendorid, 0 by default.

  • marchid, 22 for ibex.

  • mimpid, 0 by default.

Primitives Modules

Held outside rtl/ folder.

Can implement your own primitives.

Some primitives can be removed/ignored if not using in specific Ibex configurations.

  • Mandatory primitives:

    • prim_buf, a buffer used to avoid security critical logic being optimized away (by applying suitable constraints to prim_buf)
    • prim_clock_gating, a clock gate.
  • Depends on configuration:

    • see figure below.

ibex primitives


Created Feb 22, 2023 // Last Updated Feb 22, 2023

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