Who calls it and what is the input?
Where does it go?
How is it related tagged memory?
is re-used by TagControllerfile: cherilibs/trunk/L2Cache.bsv
Master is memory
; Slave is cache
mkConnection(l2CacheMemory, tagController.cache);
means Master is l2CacheMemory
and slave is tagController.cache
, that is tag controller is being called by l2Cache; and l2Cache send request and get response from tagController.
interface L2CacheIfc;
interface Slave#(CheriMemRequest, CheriMemResponse) cache;
interface Master#(CheriMemRequest, CheriMemResponse) memory;
`ifdef MULTI
method ActionValue#(Maybe#(InvalidateCache)) getInvalidate;
method Action putInvalidateDone(Bool didWriteback);
interface Get#(ModuleEvents) cacheEvents;
endinterface: L2CacheIfc
Reference 1
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