
file cherilibs/trunks/tagsparams.py


  • -c, –cap-size, default=256, capability size in bits;
  • -s, –structure, default=[0], list from leaf to root of branching factors describing the tags tree;
  • -t, –top-addr, default=0x4000_0000, memory address the tag should start growing down from;
  • -a, –addr-align, default=32, alignment requirement (in bytes) for table levels addresses;
  • -m, –mem-size, default=(2^32 + 2^20), size of the memory to be covered by the tags;
  • -b, –bsv-inc-output, const=“TagTableStructure.bsv”, default = None;
  • -l, –linker-inc-output, const=“tags-params.ld”, default = None;
Created May 11, 2020 // Last Updated May 23, 2020

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