Class Object

Sandbox Class vs Object

Class: ‘sandbox class’ is an instance of code that may be sandboxed and invoked, along with statistics/monitoring information, etc. (see lib/libcheri/libcheri_sandbox_internal.h)

Object: ‘sandbox object’, or sandbox instance, is an in-flight combination of code and data. Currently, due the compiler limitations, we must conflate the ‘code’, ‘heap’, and ‘stack’, but eventually would like to allow one VM mapping of code to serve many object instances. This would also ease supporting multithreaded objects. (see lib/libcheri/libcheri_sandbox_internal.h)


A sandbox is composed of a sandbox class and an object:

 * A classic 'sandbox' is actually a combination of a sandbox class and a
 * sandbox object.  We continue to support this model as it is used in some
 * CHERI demo and test code.
struct sandbox {
        struct sandbox_class    *sb_sandbox_classp;
        struct sandbox_object   *sb_sandbox_objectp;

A sandbox class contains:

  • its code and data map.
  • class’s code cap: rtld, invoke;
  • ccall classes/methods: provided, required
  • statistics of the class.

    // file:
    //  lib/libcheri/libcheri_sandbox_internal.h
    #define SANDBOX_CLASS_METHOD_COUNT      32
    struct sandbox_class {
        char                    *sbc_path;
        int                      sbc_fd;
        struct stat              sbc_stat;
    #ifdef SPLIT_CODE_DATA
        size_t                   sbc_codelen;
        void                    *sbc_codemem;
        struct sandbox_map      *sbc_codemap;
        struct sandbox_map      *sbc_datamap;
    #ifdef SPLIT_CODE_DATA
         * The class's code capabilities, in various incarnations required for
         * class creation.  These will be used for all objects in the class.
        void * __capability      sbc_classcap_rtld;     /* Ctor/dtor */
        void * __capability      sbc_classcap_invoke;   /* Object invoke */
         * Class CCall methods.
        struct sandbox_provided_classes *sbc_provided_classes;
        struct sandbox_required_methods *sbc_required_methods;
         * Class and invoke() method statistics.
        struct sandbox_class_stat       *sbc_sandbox_class_statp;
        struct sandbox_method_stat      *sbc_sandbox_method_nonamep;
        struct sandbox_method_stat      *sbc_sandbox_methods[

A sandbox object includes:

  • IDC, for both rtld and invocation entry, and entry vector code;
  • PCC for rtld;
  • PCC for invocation;
  • vtable pointer, used for CHERI system classes; unused for loaded (confined) classes;
  • DDC for invocation;
  • libcheri_tls: base address for tls;
  • CSP for invocation;
  • class pointer;
  • object pointer;
  • data length;
  • heap base, length;
  • stack length;
  • sandbox flags;
  • sealed code/data capabilities for general object invocation and accessing the objects’s runtime linker methods (struct cheri_object sbo_cheri_object_rtld, sbo_cheri_object_invoke;)
  • system object capabilities: sbo_cheri_object_system;
  • stack capability;
  • object statistics;
  • private data for system objects;

    #if _MIPS_SZCAP == 128
    __attribute__ ((aligned(4096)))
    sandbox_object {
         * IMPORTANT: These fields must be at the top of the sandbox_object,
         * and in this specific order, as corresponding offsets to them are
         * included in assembly domain-transition code in
         * cheri_ccall_trampoline.S.
         * sbo_idc         IDC to install for both rtld and invocation entry.
         *                 The entry vector code will also use this
         *                 capability, with offset set to zero, as the
         *                 installed DDC.
         * sbo_rtld_pcc    PCC to install for rtld operations.
         * sbo_invoke_pcc  PCC to install on invocation.
         * sbo_vtable      VTable pointer used for CHERI system classes;
         *                 unused for loaded (confined) classes.
         * sbo_ddc         DDC to install on invocation.
         * sbo_csp         CSP to install on invocation.
         * These capabilities are used by libcheri itself when accessing data
         * from within the CCall trampoline, so that we don't have to assume
         * that the sandbox_object pointer is DDC-relative:
         * sbo_libcheri_tls     Access TLS relative to this register.
         * XXXRW: It would be nice if the offsets to these fields were in
         * shared headers, allowing compile-time asserts to be used to check
         * binary compatibility has not been broken.
        void * __capability      sbo_idc;       /* Capability offset 0. */
        void * __capability      sbo_rtld_pcc;  /* Capability offset 1. */
        void * __capability      sbo_invoke_pcc;/* Capability offset 2. */
        void * __capability      sbo_vtable;    /* Capability offset 3. */
        void * __capability      sbo_ddc;       /* Capability offset 4. */
        void * __capability      sbo_libcheri_tls; /* Capability offset 5. */
        void * __capability      sbo_csp;       /* Capability offset 6. */
        union {
                int              sbo_busy;      /* Capability offset 7. */
                void * __capability _sbo_reserved; /* Pad to capability size. */
         * Further fields are unknown to the assembly domain-transition code.
        struct sandbox_class    *sbo_sandbox_classp;
        struct sandbox_object   *sbo_sandbox_system_objectp;
        void                    *sbo_datamem;
        void                    *sbo_stackmem;
        register_t               sbo_datalen;
        register_t               sbo_heapbase;
        register_t               sbo_heaplen;
        register_t               sbo_stacklen;
        uint                     sbo_flags;     /* Sandbox flags. */
         * Sealed code and data capabilities suitable to access the object's
         * run-time linker methods and also general object-capability
         * invocation.
        struct cheri_object      sbo_cheri_object_rtld;
        struct cheri_object      sbo_cheri_object_invoke;
         * System-object capabilities that can be passed to the object via
         * sandbox metadata.
        struct cheri_object      sbo_cheri_object_system;
         * Stack capability that will also be installed in the object during
         * domain transition.
        void * __capability      sbo_stackcap;
         * Sandbox statistics.
        struct sandbox_object_stat      *sbo_sandbox_object_statp;
         * Private data for system objects -- e.g., for cheri_fd, a pointer to
         * file-descriptor data.
        void * __capability      sbo_private_data;
Created Sep 5, 2019 // Last Updated Sep 5, 2019

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