Trusted Stack


[1] CHERI programmer’s guide, UCAM-CL-TR-877 Chapter 8.4, 2015.

One trusted stack for each thread: pcb_cheristack.

Initialized to empty when first thread in a process is created.

Stack updates/inspections in the following situations:

  • CCall exception
  • CReturn exception
  • CHERI_GET_STACK via sysarch system call
  • CHERI_SET_STACK via sysarch system call
  • cheri_stack_unwind: if a signal is delivered to a thread that is executing sandboxed code, and suitable signal-handling configuration has not been set up to safely receive the delivered signal, then for certian signals the kernel will automatically unwind the stack back to the caller of the sandbox.
  • show cheristack command in DDB.

TLS and stack

The TLS stores the trusted stack pointer. see trampolines of libcheri

TLS pointer is derived from the stack pointer $29 when __CHERI_CAPABILITY_TLS__ is disabled.

When __CHERI_CAPABILITY_TLS__ is enabled, the TLS pointer is derived from $chwr_userlocal instead of $29;

// file
//  lib/libc/mips/static_tls.h

static __inline uintptr_t
_libc_get_static_tls_base(size_t offset)
        vaddr_t tlsbase;
        uintptr_t tlsbase;

#if defined(__mips_n64)
        __asm__ __volatile__ (
            "rdhwr\t%0, $29\n\t"
            : "=r" (tlsbase));
        __asm__ __volatile__ (
            "creadhwr\t%0, $chwr_userlocal"
            : "=C" (tlsbase));
        tlsbase -= TLS_TP_OFFSET + TLS_TCB_SIZE;
#else /* mips 32 */
        __asm__ __volatile__ (
            "rdhwr\t%0, $29\n\t"
            : "=r" (tlsbase));
        tlsbase -= TLS_TP_OFFSET + TLS_TCB_SIZE;
#endif /* ! __mips_n64 */
        tlsbase += offset;
        return (tlsbase);
Created Jul 15, 2019 // Last Updated Oct 27, 2019

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