Sail Desc


Sail is a domain specific imperative language designed for describing processor architectures.

Sail in RISC-V instr. descriptions

Constant Definitions

Constants for 64-bit ISA with 128 bit capability:

type xlen : Int = 64
type cap_addr_width : Int = xlen
type cap_len_width : Int = cap_addr_width + 1
type cap_size : Int = 16
type cap_mantissa_width : Int = 14
type cap_hperms_width : Int = 12
type cap_uperms_width : Int = 4
type cap_uperms_shift : Int = 15
type cap_flags_width : Int = 1
type cap_otype_width : Int = 18
let cap_max_otype = MAX(cap_otype_width) - reserved_otypes

Function Definitions

Functions for integer and bit vector manipulation

func 1:

unsigned : forall 'n. bits('n) -> range(0, 2 ^ 'n - 1)

This converts a bit vector of length $n$ to an integer in the range $0$ to $2^n - 1$.

func 2:

signed : forall ’n, ’n > 0. bits(’n) -> range(- (2 ^ (’n - 1)), 2 ^ (’n - 1) - 1)

This converts a bit vector of length $n$ to an integer in the range $-2^{n-1}$ to $2^{n-1} - 1$ using twos-complement.

func 3:

to_bits : forall ’l, ’l >= 0. (int(’l), int) -> bits(’l)

func 45:

bool_to_bit : bool -> bit
bool_to_bits : bool -> bits(1)

func 6:

truncate : forall 'm 'n, ('m >= 0 & 'm <= 'n). (bits('n), int('m)) -> bits('m)

truncate(v,n) truncates v, keeping only the least significant n bits.

func 7:

pow2 : forall 'n. int('n) -> int(2^'n)

func 89:

EXTZ: Addes zeros in most significant bits of vector to obtain a vector of desired length.

EXTS: Extends the most significant bits of vector preserving the sign bit.

func 1011:

zeros: Produces a bit vector of all zeros

ones: Produces a bit vector of all ones

Types used in function defs

Source code, common Source code, rv64

type CapBits = bits(8 * cap_size)
type CapAddrBits = bits(cap_addr_width)
type CapLenBits = bits(cap_len_width)
type CapPermsBits = bits(cap_perms_width)
struct Capability = {...}

Functions to convert Compressed Cap

capBitsToCapability : (bool, CapBits) -> Capability
capToBits : Capability -> CapBits

Functions for reading and writing regs and mem

C(n) : regno -> Capability
C(n) : (regno, Capability) -> unit

The overloaded function C(n) is used to read or write capability register n.

X(n) : regno -> xlenbits
X(n) : (regno, xlenbits) -> unit

The overloaded function X(n) is used to read or write integer register n.

F(n) : regno -> xlenbits
F(n) : (regno, xlenbits) -> unit

The overloaded function F(n) is used to read or write floating-point register n.

memBitsToCapability : (bool, CapBits) -> Capability
capToMemBits : Capability -> CapBits
int_to_cap : CapAddrBits -> Capability
get_cheri_mode_cap_addr : (regidx, xlenbits) -> (Capability, xlenbits, capreg_idx)

handle_load_cap_via_cap : (regidx, capreg_idx, Capability, xlenbits) -> Retired
handle_load_data_via_cap : (regidx, capreg_idx, Capability, xlenbits, bool, word_width) -> Retired
handle_store_cap_via_cap : (regidx, capreg_idx, Capability, xlenbits) -> Retired
handle_store_data_via_cap : (regidx, capreg_idx, Capability, xlenbits, word_width) ->

Functions for ISA exception behavior

handle_exception : ExceptionType -> unit
handle_illegal : unit -> unit
handle_mem_exception : (xlenbits, ExceptionType) -> unit
handle_cheri_cap_exception : (CapEx, capreg_idx) -> unit
handle_cheri_reg_exception : (CapEx, regidx) -> unit

/* Is as `handle_cheri_cap_exception` except that the capability register number uses the special value 0x10 indicating the PCC register. */
handle_cheri_pcc_exception : CapEx -> unit      

pcc_access_system_regs : unit -> bool
privLevel_to_bits : Privilege -> priv_level
min_instruction_bytes : unit -> CapAddrInt
legalize_epcc : Capability -> Capability
legalize_tcc : (Capability, Capability) -> Capability

Functions for Manipulating Capabilities

The address of a capability has a range as below (the base is the first byte of the range, and top is one greater than last byte):

{ $a\in N | base \le a \lt top$ }

Note: for 64-bit arch, the top can be $2^{64}$, meaning that the entire 64-bit address space can be addressed.

getCapBounds : Capability -> (CapAddrInt, CapLen)  /* return base and top */ 
getCapBaseBits : Capability -> CapAddrBits
getCapTop : Capability -> CapLen
getCapLength : Capability -> CapLen
inCapBounds : (Capability, CapAddrBits, CapLen) -> bool  /* check addr and addr+size is in Cap */

cursor: the Capability’s address;

offset: relative to base.

$base + offset$ $mod$ $2^{64}$ = $cursor$

getCapCursor : Capability -> CapAddrInt
getCapOffsetBits : Capability -> CapAddrBits

Adjust the bounds and offsets of capabilities. Not all combinations of bounds and offset are representable, so these functions return a boolean value indicating whether the requested operation was successfull. Even in the case of failure a capability is still returned, although it may not preserve the bounds of the original capability.

setCapBounds : (Capability, CapAddrBits, CapLenBits) -> (bool, Capability)
setCapAddr : (Capability, CapAddrBits) -> (bool, Capability)
setCapOffset : (Capability, CapAddrBits) -> (bool, Capability)
incCapOffset : (Capability, CapAddrBits) -> (bool, Capability)

Adjust the tag:

clearTag : Capability -> Capability
clearTagIf : (Capability, bool) -> Capability
clearTagIfSealed : Capability -> Capability

About the compression ability:

getRepresentableAlignmentMask : xlenbits -> xlenbits
getRepresentableLength : xlenbits -> xlenbits

Operation on sealing:

sealCap : (Capability, bits(cap_otype_width)) -> Capability
unsealCap : Capability -> Capability
isCapSealed : Capability -> bool

Operation on Object Types:

hasReservedOType : Capability -> bool

Operations on permissions and flags:

getCapPerms : Capability -> CapPermsBits
setCapPerms : (Capability, CapPermsBits) -> Capability

* Get the architecture specific capability flags for given capability.
getCapFlags : Capability -> CapFlagsBits

* setCapFlags(cap, flags): 
*   Set the architecture specific capability flags on `cap` to `flags`
* and returns the result as new capability.
setCapFlags : (Capability, CapFlagsBits) -> Capability

Checking ISA features

haveRVC : unit -> bool
haveFExt : unit -> bool
haveNExt : unit -> bool
haveSupMode : unit -> bool

Instruction Definitions

Instructions dependent on encoding modes

uncompressed instructions

compressed instructions


Created Nov 22, 2022 // Last Updated Nov 22, 2022

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