Imperative language
Statement: declaration of fact or claim. e.g. “Semantics is easy.”
Command:order to do something. e.g. “Study the book until you have understood it.”
Expressions are evaluated, Commands are executed.
Big step semantics: $(c,s) \Rightarrow t$. Command $c$
started in state $s$
, terminates in state $t$
use $\Rightarrow$:
$(Skip, s) \Rightarrow s$
$(x ::= a, s)$ $\Rightarrow$ $ s(x:= aval\ a \ s)$
$\frac{(c_1,s_1)\Rightarrow s_2 \ \ (c_2,s_2)\Rightarrow s_3}{(c_1;;c_2, s_1) \Rightarrow s_3}$
Inverted Rules:
$\frac{(c_1;;c_2, s_1) \Rightarrow s_3}{\exists s_2. (c_1,s_1)\Rightarrow s_2 \ \wedge \ (c_2,s_2)\Rightarrow s_3}$
Big step rules:
use $\rightarrow$:
(commands, state) $\rightarrow$ (commands, state)
$(c,s) \rightarrow (c’, s’)$
==> “fist step in the execution of c
in state s
leaves a “remainder” command c'
to be executed in state s'
A pair (c,s) is called a configuration.
If $cs \rightarrow cs’$ we say that cs
reduces to cs'
A configuration is final iff $\nexists$ $cs’. \ cs \rightarrow cs’$
$(SKIP, s)$ is final since $SKIP$ is the empty program. Nothing more to be done.
If you could revise
the fundmental principles of
computer system design
to improve security...
... what would you change?