Formal Property Verification
- Electronic Design Automation for IC system Design, Verification, and Testing. By Luciano Lavagno, Igor L. Markov, Grant Martin, and Louis K. Scheffer. 2nd Edition.
- 1994, Intel spent $500 million to recall the Pentium CPU due to a functional bug that produced erroneous floating-point division results that were off by as much as 61/{1,000,000} [112];
- Simulation-based logic verification is becoming less and less effective due to the growing complexity of the systems;
- Large systems are often decomposed into blocks
- each of these blocks is simulated separately in its own environment;
- full-chip/system simulation is carried out after block-level simulation is stable;
- A dramatic increase in the effort invested in simulation-based verification
- a complete simulation environment, including tests, checkers, coverage monitors, and environment models, is developed and maintained for each block;
- Half of the total design efforts is devoted to verification;
- The number of bugs is growing exponentially, and hundreds of billions of simulation cycles are consumed;
- Only a negligible percentage of all possible executions of the design is actually being tested.
- Formal property verification
- major advantage: offers an exhaustive verification technology, which is orders of magnitude more efficient than scalar exhaustive simulation.
- all possible executions of the design are analyzed;
- no test inputs are required;
- main deficiency: its limited capacity compared with simulation.
- early 2000s, handle modles on the order of 10K memory elements; and 100-500K memory elements with complementary automatic model;
- nowadays: millions of gates and memory elements;
Int x;
read (x); if x < 0 then x = ~x; print (x);
- Verification goal: assume x is a 32-bit integer, verify that every legal input the program prints a nonnegative number;
- Simulation methods: 2^{32} runs to cover the entire input space
Formal approach: a single symbolic simulation
- INPUT: a set of
Boolean variables representing the input bits;
- OUTPUT: a Boolean expression that reflects the program computation over the input variables;
- CHECK: the result Boolean expression is nonnegative.
Property: a specification of some aspect of a system’s behavior that is considered necessary, but perhaps not sufficient for correct operation.
- Example: “A mutually exclusive pair of control signals is never asserted simultaneously”;
- Example: “a packet router chip connected to the PCI bus always conforms to the rules for correct signaling on the bus”
- Full functional specifications are rare, because of the difficulty in verifying them.
- More often, a collection of properties considered to be of crucial importance or difficult to check adequately by simulation.
In hardware design, formal property verification is used throughout the design cycle.

Table 20.1:
Five major simultaneous activities (rows)
- Register-transfer level (RTL)
- Timing
- Circuit
- Layout
- Postsilicon
Early stage: architecture and microarchitecture are designed.
- formal models of the new idea and protocols are developed and formally verified against a set of requirements;
- Example: a new cache coherance protocol;
- Usually carried out by the validation team working closely with the architects;
RTL verification: while the RLT is being developed.
- Property can be:
- from high-level microarchitectural specifications;
- e.g., the IEEE specificatino of the arithmetic operations;
- from the implementation constraints that need to be verified on the RTL;
- e.g., verifying that all timing paths are within the required range.
Constraints consumed by synthesis, static timing analysis, and power analysis are formally verified to be valid.
Formal property verifiction products for HW:
- early 1990s, internal CAD groups from Intel, IBM, Motorola, Siemens, and Bell Labs.
- late 1990s, early 2000s, startups: @HDL, 0-in, Real Intent, Verplex, Jasper.
- large EDA companies.
During the 5 years or so after 2000, intensive efforts have been directed to finding new and fully automatic ways to apply formal methods to software verification.
- Simulation is currently the main verificatino tool for software;
- But the increased frequency of fatal and catastrophic software errors is driving the electronic design community to look for better, more exhaustive verification solution.
Formal property verification of software:
- 2000s, Microsoft, verifying Windows NT drivers;
Static Driver Verifier Platform
from Microsoft, for device vendors;
- 2000s, EDA startup, Calypto, C-to-Verilog translation validation.
FM Verification Methods and Technologies
- Automata-theoretic approach
- Symbolic model checking
- Satisfiability analysis
- Interpolation
- Symbolic simulation
- Theorem proving
Reactive Systems: systems that interact continuously with their environment, receiving input and produce output.
- Both the hardware design and embedded software generally fall into this class.
- In constrast to a computer program, such as a compiler, that receives input once, then executes to termination, producing output once.
To specify a reactive system: need the valid input/output sequences, not just the correct function from input to output.
Temporal Logic
- assert the truth of a propersition at certain times relative to the present time.
- e.g.,
states that p
is true at some time in the future; Gp
states that p
is true at all times in the future.
- e.g., “it is never the case that signals
and grant2
are asserted at the same time”
- –> a safety property (some bad condition never occurs).
- e.g., “if
is asserted now, eventually (at some time in the future) grant1
is asserted”
- –> a liveness property (some good property must eventually occur).
- To reason about the liveness: must consider infinite executions of a system – only way to violate the property is the execute indefinitely without the occurance of the good condition.
Model Checking
- verify temporal properties;
- provide counterexamples that for properties that are false;
- fully automated verification of temporal properties is generally referred to as “model checking”, in reference to the first such technique developed by Clarke and Emerson[22];
Automata-Theoretic Approach
Property –> Automaton –>
- Property: a set of acceptable input/output traces of a system;
Finite Automaton: accepts exactly the set of traces accepted by the property[33];
System: also represented by an equivalent automaton.
Check: “every trace of the system automaton is a trace of the property automaton”
- Combining the automaton for the complement of the property with the system automaton to produce a product automaton
- if the product automaton accepts any traces, then the system does not satisfy the property.
- If finite traces: Can search the state graph of the product automaton for an accepting path;
Tools to search in Finite Traces (Brute force way, “explict state”):
- COSPAN[34]
- SPIN[6]
- Murphi[7]
- quite effective at verifying software-based protocols, cache coherence protocols, and other systems with relatively small state spaces.
Problem: state graphs can be prohibitively large.
- worse case: the number of states == the number of possible configurations of the registers (or other state-holding elements) in the system.
Solution: heuristic methods, avoid explicit construction of the state graph.
Symbolic Model Checking