给定一个整数x,判断x是否是2的幂(2^y = x)。
// 100000 --> 110000 --> 111100 --> 111111 --> ...
int getMSB(int m){
long n = m;
n |= n >> 1; //最高位及后变为两个1
n |= n >> 2; // 最高位及后<=4个1
n |= n >> 4; // 最高位及后<=8个1
n |= n >> 8; // 最高位及后<=16个1
n |= n >> 16; // 最高位及后<=32个1
n = n + 1;
return (n>>1);
一堆石头,整数数组stones表示每一块的重量。 任意选择两块石头,相撞,重量相互抵消,剩余量非零则再放入数组中。 求不同的相撞方案,最后一块石头的最小重量。
另解:动态规划:石头分为正数堆和负数堆,求解两堆只差最小值。或者:石头总重sum,求解子数组总和不大于sum/2的最大值。dp[i][j]: 前i块石头,总和不大于j的最大值。
dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i-1][j-stones[i]] + stones[i])
给定正整数n,找到若干个完全平方数(比如,1,4,9,16,……)使得他们的和等于n。 需要让组成和的完全平方数的个数最少。
题解:动态规划: dp[i][j] 前i个完全平方数中,和为j的平方数的最少个数。
dp[i][j] = min(dp[i-1][j], dp[i-1][j-x*sq[i]] + x)
问题:给你一个整数数组 nums
, 请你计算并返回 nums
middle = (int)(((long)start + (long)end)/2); => long -> /2 -> int => good.
middle = (int)((long)start + (long)end)/2; => long-> int -> /2 => wrong, negitive
注意:字符串指针 char *str; 取字符比较使用 *str == 'A'
bool CheckPermutation(char* s1, char* s2){
// check length, false if not equal in length
int s1len = strlen(s1);
int s2len = strlen(s2);
if (s1len != s2len){
return false;
// printf("string len: %d\n", s1len);
// if length is equal,
// pick one element, search over another array
// if not found return false;
// if found, remove both from array; continue until no element left.
char *s1cur = s1;
while (*s1cur != '\0'){
// printf("current s1 char %c\n", *s1cur);
// if (*s1cur == (char)-1) {
// s1cur++;
// continue;
// }
// search s1cur in s2
char *s2cur = s2;
bool found = false;
while (*s2cur != '\0'){
// printf("compare with s2 char: %c\n", *s2cur);
if (*s2cur == (char)-1) {
s2cur ++;
if (*s1cur == *s2cur){
// printf("found s1 char: %c in s2\n", *s1cur);
found = true;
*s1cur = (char)-1;
*s2cur = (char)-1;
s2cur ++;
if (!found) return false;
s1cur ++;
return true;
char* replaceSpaces(char* S, int length){
if (length == 0) return NULL;
int spaceLength = strlen(S);
// two pointers, one to the end of length, another to the end of S
char *end = S + spaceLength;
// put a '\0' at the end of new S
// and skip this char
*end = '\0';
end --;
// scan the S from the last char in S.
char *lastChar = S + length - 1;
int currentLength = 0;
// start moving every char at lastChar and replace space char with %20
while (lastChar >= S && end >= S){
// printf("handling char %c, lastChar at %d, end pointing to %d\n",
// *lastChar, (lastChar - S), (end - S));
if (*lastChar != ' '){
// if lastChar is non-space, just copy it to *end
// printf("move to end\n");
*end = *lastChar;
lastChar --;
end --;
}else if (*lastChar == ' '){
// if lastChar is space, add %20 to *end
// printf("refill with %20\n");
*end = '0'; end --;
*end = '2'; end --;
*end = '%'; end --;
lastChar --;
currentLength ++;
while (currentLength < length){
// printf("there is still space left, fill in with %20\n");
if (end > S){
*end = '0'; end --;
*end = '2'; end --;
*end = '%'; end --;
currentLength ++;
printf("Error? reaching the beginning of S, but still need more space to insert?\n");
return S;
if (lastChar < S && end >= S){
S = ++end;
return S;
注意:struct 用法
// struct CacheNode;
struct CacheNode {
struct CacheNode *prev;
struct CacheNode *next;
int key;
int value;
int freq;
typedef struct CacheNode CacheNode;
typedef struct {
CacheNode *head;
CacheNode *tail;// least frequently used at tail.
int size;
int capacity;
} LFUCache;
void printCache(LFUCache *obj){
int size = obj->size;
CacheNode *cur = obj->head->next;
int i = 0;
while (i<size){
printf("[%d] freq: %d, key: %d, value: %d\n",
i, cur->freq, cur->key, cur->value);
i ++;
cur = cur->next;
LFUCache* lFUCacheCreate(int capacity) {
// printf("creating cache with capacity %d ...", capacity);
LFUCache *cache = (LFUCache *)calloc(1,sizeof(LFUCache));
// keep head as a special node as a fence node.
CacheNode *head = (CacheNode *)malloc((capacity+1)*sizeof(CacheNode));
cache->head = &head[0];
cache->tail = cache->head; // tail pointing to last element
cache->size = 0;
cache->capacity = capacity;
if (capacity > 0){
// initialize the links between nodes
head[0].next = &head[1];
for (int i = 1; i < capacity; i++){
head[i].next = &head[i+1];
head[i].prev = &head[i-1];
head[capacity].prev = &head[capacity-1];
head[capacity].next = &head[0];
// printf("done.\n");
return cache;
// update the list after cur->freq is updated.
void postUpdateFreq(LFUCache *obj, CacheNode *cur){
if (obj->capacity == 0) return;
// move cur forward if cur->freq is larger, until it reaches the head
// find the insertion point
CacheNode *insertAfter = cur->prev;
while (insertAfter != obj->head && insertAfter->freq <= cur->freq){
// the node freq is equal or lower, then move cur before it
// - equal case: this will guarantte the newest one accessed is always near to head.
insertAfter = insertAfter->prev;
// the pointer does not move, cur is already at best position
if (insertAfter == cur->prev) return;
// move cur to the position after `insertAfter`
// remove cur from original position
CacheNode *prev = cur->prev;
CacheNode *next = cur->next;
prev->next = next;
next->prev = prev;
// update tail pointer if cur is tail
if (cur == obj->tail) obj->tail = prev;
// insert cur after 'insertAfter'
prev = insertAfter;
next = insertAfter->next;
cur->next = next;
cur->prev = prev;
next->prev = cur;
prev->next = cur;
int lFUCacheGet(LFUCache* obj, int key) {
CacheNode *cur = obj->head->next;
int ret = -1;
// printf("searching key: <%d> .... ", key);
for (int i = 0; i < obj->size; i ++){
if (cur->key == key){
// found = true;
cur->freq ++;
postUpdateFreq(obj, cur);
ret = cur->value;
// printf(" value: <%d>\n", ret);
// printCache(obj);
return ret;
cur = cur->next;
// printf(" value not found\n");
// printCache(obj);
return ret;
// void removeNode(LFUCache *obj, CacheNode *toRemove){
// CacheNode *next = toRemove->next;
// CacheNode *prev = toRemove->prev;
// next->prev = prev;
// prev->next = next;
// // put node after the tail
// toRemove->next = obj->tail->next;
// obj->tail->next = toRemove;
// }
void lFUCachePut(LFUCache* obj, int key, int value) {
if(obj->capacity <= 0) return;
// printf("putting key,value: %d, %d\n", key, value);
// search for the key
CacheNode *cur = obj->head->next;
for (int i = 0; i < obj->size; i ++){
if (cur->key == key){
// printf("found key\n");
cur->value = value;
cur->freq ++;
postUpdateFreq(obj, cur);
cur = cur->next;
// key does not exist, insert it
// if size is full, remove last one
// remove is just moving the tail cursor
if (obj->size == obj->capacity){
// remove last node, move tail pointer one ahead
CacheNode *lastN = obj->tail->prev;
obj->tail = lastN;
obj->size --;
// printf("inserting <key,value>: <%d, %d> with size/capacity: %d/%d\n",
// key, value, obj->size, obj->capacity);
// if size is 0 <= size < capacity, update tail pointer and insert it as last one
cur = obj->tail->next;
cur->freq = 1;
cur->key = key;
cur->value = value;
obj->tail = cur;
obj->size ++;
// printf("update freq for <key,value>: <%d, %d>\n", key, value);
// printCache(obj);
// update freq to reflect latest usage
postUpdateFreq(obj, cur);
// printf("done put <key,value>: <%d, %d>\n", key, value);
// printCache(obj);
void lFUCacheFree(LFUCache* obj) {
* Your LFUCache struct will be instantiated and called as such:
* LFUCache* obj = lFUCacheCreate(capacity);
* int param_1 = lFUCacheGet(obj, key);
* lFUCachePut(obj, key, value);
* lFUCacheFree(obj);
: 数字长度为i位,成本为j时的最大数字。
// cost[i] : dp[i][target] = max(dp[i-1][target], dp[i-1][target-cost[i]])
// i is the number of digits in the number. from 1 to target.
// target is the total cost target, from 1 to target.
// dp[i][target] means the max number (string) with i digits and target.
char ***dp;
// return true if s1 > s2
int isGreater(char *s1, char*s2){
int isG = 0;
// compare string length
int len1 = strlen(s1);
int len2 = strlen(s2);
if (len1 > len2 ) isG = 1;
else if (len1 < len2) isG = 0;
else { // len1 == len2
// check if equal
if (strcmp(s1,s2) == 0) isG = 0;
// compare each digits
// find the first different digits and test which is bigger.
for (int i = 0; i<len1; i++){
int comp = s1[i] - s2[i];
if (comp == 0) continue;
else if (comp > 0){
isG = 1;
}else if (comp < 0){
isG = 0;
return isG;
int isEqual(char *s1, char *s2){
return (strcmp(s1,s2) == 0);
// insert a new digit into dest string, form a larger number
// result `dest` string will have a sorted digits
char * insertDigit(char *dest, char* newdigit){
// check if dest is 0, just replace 0
if (strcmp(dest, "0") == 0){
dest[0] = newdigit[0];
return dest;
int len = strlen(dest);
// append a \0 to dest
dest[len + 1] = '\0';
int i = len;
for ( ; i > 0; i --){
// if the digit is smaller than newdigit, move to least significant bit
if (dest[i-1] - newdigit[0] < 0){
dest[i] = dest[i-1];
// found the insertion point dest[i]
// jump out
dest[i] = newdigit[0];
return dest;
char * largestNumber(int* cost, int costSize, int target){
// compute the maxDigits
int maxDigits = target;
// find the smallest cost
int smallestCost = target;
for (int i = 0; i < costSize; i ++){
if (cost[i] < smallestCost) smallestCost = cost[i];
maxDigits = target/smallestCost + 1;
// initialize the dp[0...maxDigits]
// the largest possible value is |9...999999| with length of target
dp = (char ***) malloc (sizeof (char*) * (maxDigits+1));
for (int i = 0; i < maxDigits+1; i ++){
dp[i] = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char*) * (target + 1));
for(int j = 0; j < target + 1; j ++){
dp[i][j] = (char *) malloc(maxDigits + 1);
strcpy(dp[i][j], "0");
// when there is only one digits in the number
// update dp[1].
for(int ti = 1; ti <= target; ti ++){
// scan the costs find if there is a cost that is exactly = ti
for (int i = 0; i < costSize; i ++){
if (ti == cost[i]){
char dig[2];
sprintf(dig, "%d", i+1);
// printf("digit: %s\n", dig);
// choose the larger one
if (isGreater(dig, dp[1][ti])){
strcpy(dp[1][ti], dig);
// printf("dp[1][%d] initialized to %s\n", ti, dp[1][ti]);
// update dp[2->maxDigits]
// dp[i][target] = max (dp[i-1][target], insertSort(dp[i-1][target-any(cost)], any(cost)))
for (int i = 2; i <= maxDigits; i++){
// compute the maxNumber with i digits for each targets
// int updated = 0;
for (int t = target; t > 0; t--){
// no digits added. the oldMax.
char *oldMax = dp[i-1][t];
// printf("i = %d; t = %d, to compute, oldMax:%s\n",i,t, oldMax);
// try to add one more digits to dp[i-1][t-costs[d]]
char newMax[target + 1];
strcpy(newMax, oldMax); // initialize as oldMax
//printf("newMax initialized to %s\n", newMax);
for (int d = 0; d < costSize; d ++){
// printf("start iter d = %d\n", d);
// ignore the cost if target is smaller
if (t < cost[d]) continue;
char *lessTarget = dp[i-1][t-cost[d]]; // a number with less digits
// printf("Less Target: %s, dp[%d][%d]\n",
// lessTarget, i-1, t-cost[d]);
// if dp[i-1][t-cost[d]] is 0, then invalid choice
if ((t-cost[d]) > 0 &&
strcmp(lessTarget, "0") == 0) {
// printf("ignore\n");
// printf("i = %d, t = %d; cost[%d] = %d, lessTarget=%s\n",
// i, t, d, cost[d], lessTarget);
char digit[2];
sprintf(digit, "%d", d + 1);
char tempMax[target+1];
strcpy(tempMax, lessTarget); // backup the string
// insert digit into lessTarget, to get a bigger number.
char *newNumber = insertDigit(tempMax, digit);
if (isGreater(newNumber, newMax)){
// update the newMax if get a bigger newNumber
// printf("update new max: %s (i=%d, t=%d, d=%d)\n", newNumber, i, t, d);
strcpy(newMax, newNumber);
// updated ++;
// printf("done iter d = %d\n", d);
// printf("i = %d; t = %d, done compute: %s\n",i,t, newMax);
strcpy(dp[i][t], newMax);
// printf("i = %d; t = %d, done compute: %s\n",i,t, newMax);
// if (updated < 1) break;
char *strRet = dp[maxDigits][target];
return strRet;
亚历克斯和李轮流从 piles
If you could revise
the fundmental principles of
computer system design
to improve security...
... what would you change?