

vim -t main

CTRL-\ s: all uses of the symbol pointed to by the current cursor;

CTRL-t: jump back to the original location before search; unwind one at a time;

:cscope find symbol foo, or :cs f s foo.

  • s to find a C symbol;
  • g to find global definition(s) of a symbol;
  • c to find all calls to function;
  • f to open th file name under cursor;

CTRL-spacebar s: split window into two horizontally, and put search result into the new window; CTRL-W w (or ctrl-W arraykey, ctrl-W h/j/k/l for left/up/down/right) to move between windows; CTRL-W c to close current window; CTRL-W o makes only the current windows open, close all others; CTRL-W s to split window into two horizontally, or CTRL-W v for vertical split; :spl[it] filename to open a file in a new window.

:help cscope


search: / or ?; n for next;


CTRL-O: Move cursor positions back;

CTRL-I: move cursor position forward;

`.: jump to exact spot in last modification line;

'.: jump to last modification line;

[{: jump to the beginning of a C code block (while, switch, if, etc.); ]} to the end of block;

[(: jump to the beginning of a parenthesis; ]) for the end of it;

Created Aug 20, 2019 // Last Updated Aug 26, 2019

If you could revise
the fundmental principles of
computer system design
to improve security...

... what would you change?