Valuable to the audience
Professional writing is not conveying your ideas to your readers, but changing their ideas.
If reader does not understand, do not explain. Why shouldn’t you explain?
Why teachers read student’s text?
Why collegues (journals, conference) reading your writing?
Think — Words, for experts.
Rules of writing: good for “low value” writing.
UChicago: More faculty than freshmen.
How to write a paper and give talks that people follow
Flow from sentence to sentence: old to new things.
Point sentence of a paragraph.
Name your baby. Consistent between collaborators.
Just in time for technical information, not before.
Context, Gap , Innovation.
motivation, problem/existing, new stuff.
Excellent Samples:
Portable Native Client @ USENIX Security 20101
Virtual Ghost 2: introduction = comparison to related + design + implementation + evaluation. No challenges explicitly explained, no contributions explictly listed as bullets.
Limitation Every work has limitations. Some inherits from the design; Some exist because they are just obvious but complex to implement. Reviewers might be interested in this to see how you understand the solution by yourself. Some reviewers will reject you if they pointed out some limitations that you haven’t discussed in the paper. However, if you can discuss the limitation of your work thoroughly, this will show the depth of your understanding in the field and will get your work be understood better.
If you could revise
the fundmental principles of
computer system design
to improve security...
... what would you change?